Stir Up Sunday

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Stir Up Sunday Quick Facts

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2025 Date23 November 2025

Stir Up Sunday

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Stir Up Sunday History

Stir Up Sunday is a long-standing British tradition that encourages families to come together and prepare their Christmas puddings. The observance provides an opportunity for each family member to take a turn stirring the pudding mixture and making a wish for the coming year. This annual event serves as a reminder of the importance of both familial connections and the festive spirit of the holiday season.

The origins of Stir Up Sunday can be traced back to the Victorian era, and it remains an enduring part of British holiday customs. The name is derived from the phrase stir up, which appears in the opening line of the Collect for the Last Sunday before Advent in the Book of Common Prayer: Stir up, we beseech thee, O Lord, the wills of thy faithful people. This phrase became closely associated with the communal stirring of the Christmas pudding and the importance of family togetherness during the holiday season.

In the United Kingdom, Stir Up Sunday is traditionally observed on the last Sunday before the start of Advent, which is five weeks before Christmas. Families gather together to mix and steam their Christmas puddings, with each member taking a turn to stir the mixture clockwise and make a wish for the coming year. It is also customary to add a coin or trinket to the mixture, which is believed to bring good luck to the person who finds it in their serving on Christmas Day. This year, Stir Up Sunday falls on the 26th of November, providing the perfect opportunity to embrace this cherished tradition and prepare a festive treat to enjoy in December.

Stir Up Sunday Facts

  • The tradition is thought to date back to Victorian times when the pudding was made with 13 ingredients, representing Jesus and his 12 apostles. Everyone in the family would take turns stirring from east to west to honor the journey of the three wise men.

Stir Up Sunday Top Events and Things to Do

  • The term Stir Up Sunday comes from the opening words of the Book of Common Prayer used in Anglican churches on the 25th Sunday after Trinity. Therefore, attending a church service may be part of the Stir-Up Sunday tradition.
  • The Christmas pudding is the star of the show on Stir Up Sunday. It’s traditionally made with suet, flour, breadcrumbs, sugar, and a mixture of dried fruit, treacle, beer, and egg, along with spices.
  • The main tradition of Stir Up Sunday is each family member takes a turn in stirring up the Christmas pudding mix, while making a wish.
  • Browse local shops and stores for Christmas decorations or gifts.
  • Attend a local Christmas fair or market in search of festive treats and gifts.
  • Visit a local market or grocery store to buy ingredients for your Christmas pudding.

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